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The city of Hurghada

شبگة  ومنتديات عهد الأصحاب

شبگة  ومنتديات عهد الأصحاب

Egyptian city of Hurghada was established in the early twentieth century. Hurghada has remained a small fishing town until a few years ago, today the city of Hurghada has become the largest tourist resorts in Egypt and maritime center in the world. If you want to place under water or above water Vstgda in Hurghada, Tzga on the water, surfing in the water or want to practice diving under water, underwater wonders what is the first level in the warm waters of the world embraces the kinds of rare fish and coral reefs that can view through the submarine. Hurghada has hosted many of the diving competitions since 1950 and is today most famous cities in diving in the world, came flying from Europe and Cairo, Luxor fall day at the airport in Hurghada, Hurghada is the largest city in the Red Sea. Diving training internationally approved and may be taking some responsibility for some of the organizers dive sites Cabo copper, Bluff Point is the most famous places in Hurghada. Just take the city of Hurghada is a famous tourist sites in Egypt and the Middle East for tourists, while gaining a similar reputation when lovers of this type of tourism resorts for tourists from other parts of the world, has gained such a reputation Hurghada large only a few years, due mainly to two things: firstly is to discover the tourist value and aesthetic values of Hurghada, which is unprecedented and the second command is the availability of tourist facilities and sports great speed and great levels in this region.
Hurghada is characterized by mild climate throughout the year and the availability of all the capabilities to hobbies of fishing and underwater fishing and diving in all its types. Hurghada has been established with the discovery of oil in that region in 1913 and the development of tourism activities has become one of the largest tourist cities in the world.
It is located 385 km south of Suez and the famous shark barracuda fishing Asmal - Obhoshra - Seif - Blank - Qarouk - ... etc. The coral reef fish are visible under the water and lose some Alonh immediately on leaving the water, is the starting point for fishing adventures under the water where there is fishing centers and scuba diving.
- Roman ruins, smoke on the mountain, 65 km north. - Museum of aquaculture after 4 km north of the port of Hurghada. - Coral reefs.
What to see:
- Valley of the bathrooms. - Monastery of St. Oentionius. - Monastery of St. Paula. - The shrine and mosque of Abu al-Hasan Shazli.
Red Sea Islands:
There is an island of about 24 plant and animal environment on the surface of the most important: --
- Aquamarine island off the coast of the Pyrenees. - Island Giftun Giftun large and small, off the coast of Hurghada. - Island Oeumangar to the Sheraton Hurghada. - Shidwan island off the coast of Hurghada.

Red Sea is the most beautiful diving areas in the world because of its purity of water and deplete as well as multi-colored coral reefs that are beautiful and at the same time as a battering ram nature of the waves, making the shores of the Red Sea area ideal for diving.
Dive sites south of Hurghada:
- El Gouna. - Eastern Coral Belinda. - The island of Abu Ramada Jerana. - The island of Abu Hashish. - West Coral Belinda. - South West Abu Ramada. - Island Magawish.
Diving North Hurghada:
- Shaab Abu beak. - Shaab Abu drop. - Shaab Abu copper. - Coral or the nest. - Shaab Umm Qamar. - Coral Carlos. - Coral Aerov. - Island Alphenadir. - Abu critics. - Coral long. - North Giftun. - Seoul Grand. - Seoul Minor.

Some pictures of the city Charming
شبگة  ومنتديات عهد الأصحاب

شبگة  ومنتديات عهد الأصحاب
شبگة  ومنتديات عهد الأصحاب

المحتوى الان غير مخفيشبگة  ومنتديات عهد الأصحاب

شبگة  ومنتديات عهد الأصحاب
شبگة  ومنتديات عهد الأصحاب

المحتوى الان غير مخفيشبگة  ومنتديات عهد الأصحاب

شبگة  ومنتديات عهد الأصحاب

شبگة  ومنتديات عهد الأصحاب

شبگة  ومنتديات عهد الأصحاب


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